
Hildegard College - Full Gap-Year Tuition

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$16,000.00 $8,000.00
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Hildegard College - Half Price Tuition!

Half Price Hildegard College 1-Year Tuition! ($16,000.00 value)


Please call Terry Harris at (714)-847-6762 prior to purchase. Use invoice as proof of purchase when redeeming.

($16,000 is a full year tuition for both in-state and out-of-state students, for live, in-person instruction. It does not include housing, meals, books, or optional concurrent enrollment fees. The cost includes all credit hours, enrollment, registration, course, and other fees; membership and benefits at our co-working space; and all costs related to embedded study abroad opportunities. Students seeking affordable housing can apply for Homestay options with our Church Partners. Valid for NEW students only. Student must satisfy all admission requirements.)

Open for Fall 2023 & January 2024 Enrollment

Hildegard College is building a non-profit, ecumenical Christian, classical liberal arts college and community in Costa Mesa. Part of the rising alternative college movement, Hildegard College is an organization seeking to disrupt the status quo in higher education. Hildegard is radically affordable, mentorship-driven, and independent of federal funding and constraints. We exist to form students for lives of faith, virtue, and extraordinary work. We are fulfilling this mission through building an undergraduate degree, offering a rigorous gap year program, and hosting seminars for the broader community.

In Fall 2024, Hildegard College will offer an academically rigorous, single-degree undergraduate model that engages students in conversation with the Great Texts, Quadrivial Arts, leadership formation, and work experience with our Civic Partners. Students will earn a bachelor's degree in Christian Liberal Arts and Entrepreneurship, preparing them to be polymaths and world changers.

High school graduates may start their journey with us in 2023 or 2024 through the Hildegard Fellows Program, a rigorous 9-month gap year program following Hildegard's Year 1 undergraduate curriculum. Fellows will participate in Oxford-style tutorials, Socratic discussions, and workshops. The program will include embedded study abroad opportunities as well as excursions to art events, cultural salons, roundtables, and Civic Partner workplaces. Fellows will also have employment opportunities with Hildegard College and its Civic Partners, and will be full-benefits members of FLDWRK, our coworking community. Scholars may earn up to 30 units of transferable college credit via concurrent enrollment with an accredited partner. Upon completion, Fellows may enter Hildegard's undergraduate program in Fall 2024 as sophomores.

Last but not least, Hildegard College offers monthly Great Works Seminars at our FLDWRK campus. These seminars are opportunities for learners of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels to read a great book, then gather together to discuss it over a shared meal.  

Union with God is the end of all moral activity.

At heart, the faith identity of a Christian institution of higher education resides in the acknowledgment of a highest good that orders all moral actions, including those of teaching and learning. Hildegard College recognizes union with God the creator as the highest good. Such union is safeguarded and advanced by the church and attained by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and it is practiced through love of God and of one’s neighbor. Hildegard College is established upon the conviction that an education ordered toward the highest end of divine communion requires maintaining an environment conducive to the exercise of faith, hope, and charity. 

The Liberal Arts empower the mind to grasp the truth that directs our action.

The aim of liberal arts education is freedom of mind and action. Studied as a whole, the liberal arts reveal the order of the world across fields of knowledge. Comprehending this unity liberates the mind to see what is true universally and not in service of personal gain and temporary reprieve. Liberal education is an orientation of the part to the whole, and it enables the human will to choose to act for the good.  

A complete education entails intellectual, moral, and spiritual formation.

A complete education forms a person through truth, in goodness, and for acts of service. Hildegard College’s motto is Quaerere (to seek), Amare (to love), Aedificare (to create and edify). We view education as formation in a threefold process. Students discover through seeking knowledge of those things that ought to be sought after and loved. They become, through habit and virtue, the kinds of people who desire and seek to further those things that are worthy of our love.  And they acquire the practical knowledge and experience required to pursue those things that they love.  

Civil discourse is based in mutual respect and the freedom to disagree.

One person cannot learn on behalf of another. Learning is something that is done for oneself. True understanding occurs in discovery, synthesis, and recreation. It is essential that students approach conversation with intellectual freedom, without fear of academic or discursive repercussions. Hildegard College rejects indoctrination as a teaching method, and it upholds student-driven conversation as the most conducive to authentic learning. Members of the Hildegard community likewise renounce censorship, both ideological and social. Instead, Hildegard upraises respect, charity, and honesty in the classroom and rejects discrimination of individuals because of race, religion, ability, sex, or social class.

Free inquiry requires financial stewardship and independence.

To maintain its commitment to the formation of students in faith, virtue, and extraordinary work, and to preserve the conditions of non-discrimination and free inquiry conducive to this mission, Hildegard College values its independence from the federal government or any coercive institution. Hildegard College does not and will not accept federally funded loans and grants. 

We are an ecumenical Christian organization.

Hildegard College recognizes a historical and orthodox Christian faith, including the definitive doctrines of creation; the Holy Trinity; the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus; original sin; human dependence on divine grace for salvation; and the life of the world to come. As an ecumenical Christian college, we are unaffiliated with any specific tradition or denomination within Christian orthodoxy. And as an organization that exists to teach and form students in the knowledge and love of the truth, and recognizing that Fellows join our community from a variety of faith traditions, we choose not to compose an organizational faith statement but instead use the traditional creeds of the church. 

Hildegard College is a nonprofit organization established to build an undergraduate college. It is seeking licensure exemption from the state and accreditation with an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.



    • Value: $16000.00
    • Cash/Credit back for unused portion? NO
    • Face value of deal voucher must be used at time of visit.
    • No cash value.
    • Not valid with any other promotion
    • Tax and gratuity not included
    • Hildegard College is a nonprofit organization established to build an undergraduate college. It is seeking licensure exemption from the state and accreditation with an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Promotional Value Expires on: 
